Income Streams

Can you believe the Bible advises us to have seven, no eight income streams?

Don’t believe me?

I’m sorry… 

Not sorry to bring it up for your review AND obedience, lol!

Check out Ecclesiastes 11:2…

New International Version
Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; 

you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.

New Living Translation
But divide your investments among many places, 

for you do not know what risks might lie ahead.

King James Bible
Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; 

for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth.

Soooo, the case is closed, everyone should have multiple streams of income! 


The reason why is because income streams can be seasonal in nature and they are supposed to work to offset the losses we might experience in certain incomes streams in certain seasons!

So you 9-5 and retirement plan is NOT enough!

Also, it’s a whole entire lie that says, we had to settle for a check to check to live comfortably, and securely, prepare for retirement, and experience financial success. 

I believed this for myself for so long. 

I described myself as a Corporate America addict, itching for the check. 

It wasn’t until the corporate lifestyle, along with all of the other MORE IMPORTANT demands of my life as a single mother had me mentally broken down on the phone with my mother literally in tears crying, “Mama I’m tired!”

It wasn’t until God checked me and it dawned on me that enough is enough!

I thought my job was to figure out how to strike more balance with working full time, TRYING to take care of myself, my children, my home, and my desires!

But I was WRONG!

God shook me up and asked me, 

“When are you going to trust ME?”

And then I realized that ALL that I was trying to do would NEVER work. It was too hard because I wasn’t supposed to be doing all of that!

The “juggling everything” struggle bus wasn’t what God wanted for me – even if I’m a single mother of 3!

I had to work on my “SHERO” and “Strong black woman” mindset! And I want you to do the same!

Whether you’re single, married, with children, or not – challenge your mindset that says you have to overwork, neglect your mental health, live a chaotic and unbalanced lifestyle to access your MORE! 

Dream bigger, fam! Elevate your perception of yourself! You are royalty and not a slave!

There is a way to build the lifestyle of your dreams with LOVE & BALANCE based on the correct perception of your identity and your earnings potential so that you can shift out of the default lifestyle of 9-5’s and shift into the life of intention, purpose, destiny!

Of course, it will take hard work, but the work will be to understand your WORTH and live it out and also, this way you’ll be working to climb up the RIGHT ladder!

This message here is the essence of what we discuss in the Shift into Success Sisterhood during our weekly Empowerment Sessions on Fridays at 11:30 to 12:30CST.

The SIS Sisterhood is a safe space for women who love God and desire to build a purpose-driven business that respects the fact that we are ROYALTY, okaaay!!! 

We don’t work like slaves! 

We build like we have our Father and the Holy Hosts of Angels backing up our build!

In the SIS Sisterhood, we approach success from a holistic point of view.

I’ll be looking for you inside the doors of the Sisterhood! 

You have a tribe that’s waiting to welcome you in and support you to BE and BUILD!