Sometimes our lives can seem like an utter wreck and for various reasons, most likely a combination of reasons such as relationship problems, financial struggles, being stretched out too far and not having time for what matters most, or internal issues such as low self-esteem, fear, and etc. On the other extreme, our lives can be so predictable and monotonous, that the mechanisms we’ve put into place for that pseudo security have locked out creativity and room for transformation. Some may fall in between these extremes, but have a general dissatisfaction with where they are and where they’re headed. As much as we’d like to get things straightened out and reinvent ourselves, it can be hard figuring out where to start. When I’m stuck, I’m always reminded to keep first things first. I can go down the list and start accessing my priorities in my quality time with God, my role as wife, mother, and homemaker and determine where things need to be put back into order, so that I can experience God’s pleasure in me. This is why I say that Happiness Starts at Home.
I’ve found that I fall into this feeling of discontentment and dissatisfaction with where I am in life when my priorities have become clouded and I’ve not been intimately connected with God. Even if I’ve been busy doing and seemingly progressing forward, but haven’t spent the time to just be in His presence, then I lose confidence that comes from basking in his powerful presence, I lose his divine intervention that makes things happen in a way that’s not constricted to the laws of nature and logic, and I lose the effect and influence in my life that comes from his anointing. All summed up, my doing seems to be in vain and I miss the opportunity to experience his glory in my work.
The first physical realm of responsibility for everyone, whether man or woman, is actually home. The responsibility of house chores vary and are agreed on by man and wife, but this isn’t all that I’m talking about. I know some would beg to differ, but I believe that the role of a woman is to be the keeper of her home, but what does that mean? This doesn’t mean that hubby shouldn’t pitch in, as I said before chores are agreed upon, but the woman is the initiator to make the house a home. She’s the mastermind behind it all; she’s the one in charge of transforming a physical place into a sweet retreat and welcoming abode for her husband, herself, and her children to unwind from the battles faced in the everyday world. Home is supposed to be where we rest and rejuvenate both physically and spiritually. It’s meant to be our first sanctuary where we meet with God on a daily basis. Come on, we can’t wait for vacation in some exotic place for this type of stuff! So it takes thought, effort, energy, love, forgiveness, and etc. to make this kind of place on earth. This is a HUGE job that shouldn’t be neglected. If it is neglected and everyone is running away from home rather than retreating at home, then feelings of unrest and discontentment start to settle in each member of the household, everyone wants to escape from home, and home is a source of tension and confusion and that’s not good for anyone because home is being torn down and the family is being scattered. So first things have to come first. A woman that is good at her job as homemaker has a heart full of peace, purpose, wisdom, vision, and strength. It’s a wise woman that builds her home.
AMP – Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house [on a foundation of godly precepts, and her household thrives], But the foolish one [who lacks spiritual insight] tears it down with her own hands [by ignoring godly principles]”.
Building the home in wisdom won’t happen unless home is prioritized as it should be. Home can’t come before relationships with family or friends that don’t live in the home. This is a hard truth, but think about it. If ole girl is always chasing the next mall, church service, or chilling at someone’s house and home’s a mess? Uhmmm, this isn’t pretty. The things that a woman chases may seem like the good or right thing to chase, but God is about order. Believe it or not, God releases his divine blessings on those who follow his order of things.
This idea that home should come first wasn’t instinctual for me. It had to be drilled in by my personal drill sergeant, my husband, and one day it dawned on me; he’s absolutely right. First things have to always come first, if not, there will always be something competing with my priorities and the condition of my home, relationships, and everything else that matters most will always be a mess.
Guess what else, if home is a mess, you’ll always be distracted from prayer time or any other quality time that has to take place between husband and wife, parents and children for that matter.
God sent this message to me so clearly. Cleanliness is absolutely next to godliness because of the way our minds work. When physical things are in order, it reflects the spiritual order that is present in our hearts. There’s no way you would respect a woman that appears to have things together on the outside of home, but when you visit her house, you’re disgusted by the stench of dirty laundry, dishes, and everything else that comes with disorder at home. This is not cool, it’s not cute, and some people would look at that woman totally differently after taking that visit to her abode.
Homemaking is better done proactively, rather than reactively trying to clean and organize a mess. The more things have their own home, the easier it is to keep home clean and organized and everyone begins to learn how to clean and put things where they belong.
As we commit to make our house a place of peace and tranquility, home progressively and organically becomes cleaner, more organized, and welcoming because we began to grow better eyes to see what the next organizational project should be. It becomes more rewarding and fulfilling to keep our homes in good condition as we experience the peace and order that exudes from our homes after we’ve put in the love and work for a while.
It used to be such a chore and burden for me to get off my phone, or from the bed and sofa to fulfill my ministry at home, but now that I’ve tasted and seen God’s glory in my home, I can barely keep still because I know that I’ve got to keep building like a wise woman would. This is form of ministry to me and my family and worship to God. I thank God for this revelation. Cleaning has become easier and more fulfilling to me.