Your Heart: What is it Pumping? Is it life or death? Is it filled with the substance that you need from Heaven to reach your full potential? I’ve been studying the matters of the heart so much lately. I can’t get away from it! I want to share my reflections because when we know better, we should do better!
Our lives are a journey to a specific destination and our hearts fuel the way. Since the heart is a vital part of our destiny it deserves a lifetime’s worth of attention! The passage through life on earth to eternity can be tricky because of the fallen nature of our hearts.
Paul describes this dilemma in Romans 7:19-24 (NIV):
21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am!
A little Heart 101
The heart is a muscular organ that’s also a vessel. We simply can’t live without it. If the heart is sick, then over time the body loses functionality and begins to deteriorate. If the heart stops, life stops. Since the heart is a core organ for life, it helps determine the potential of the body to operate at best performance.
God created us so wonderfully! We each have a level of spiritual and natural potential that God destined for us to achieve. Our potential allows us to reflect his love, creativity, and power. Throughout this journey, our hearts pump some sort of substance that either eats away at our potential or fuels it. During the course of our existence we have different exercises that we should practice to build up toward our potential. As we reach optimal performance in these exercises it all works together for us to take on the character and work of Jesus Christ.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Romans 8:28 (NIV)
The Bible describes David as a man that chased after God’s own heart. Although, David faced many challenges, God was with him and he realized great potential by the end of his life.
What do we want out of life?
What do most people want, Christian or not? Well, for the most part, we want to be at our best to reach our full potential. And we exercise ourselves to reach these different goals:
- We want to have meaningful relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.
- We strive to experience success and fulfillment in every way possible.
- We desire to enjoy life, have good times, and experience new things.
- We anticipate feasting our eyes on beauties in this world: beautiful people, places, and things.
- Let’s be honest… We desire power, favor with men or popularity, and material wealth.
- We want to make a difference in the world and have influence on people
It’s all a means to having a life of meaning and purpose.
This sounds like the complete package to a fine life, right?
Well yes, I’ll take that!
But it’s not that easy… because it takes regular visits with the ultimate Heart Doctor to maintain a healthy spiritual heart. Intimacy with God and knowing his Word helps us achieve that life where we’re exercising our faith and living in the thick of our destiny on earth.
The dysfunctions caused by a sick heart
A sick heart would make one or more of these ambitions the end goal and this is when we get into the trap of making idols out of these different ambitions. Idols are like my weakness for sugary treats… they look good, feel good going down, a quick gratification, but they’re highly processed, addictive, involve excessive indulgence, and cause sickness and disease in other areas of our life, just dead…
Why is the heart one of the main body parts?
Because it pumps blood to the other body parts. The blood carries all the oxygen and nutrients that our bodies need to function well. Oxygen comes from the air we breathe. Nutrients come from the food and drinks we consume. The spiritual heart serves the same purpose of supplying substance to our thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns. The substance is whatever we indulge in or whatever we’re vulnerably exposed to. It determines what inspires us and it fuels our disposition and intentions.
The heart is responsible for tying together important processes in our bodies to accomplish an overall purpose: to help us live life. Spiritually, we need substance (insight from God) to be pumped into all of these goals that push us toward our destiny.
Take a moment to think (and write out)…
How does the heart play a role in these goals?
- Loving and rewarding relationships
- Success and finding favor with God and men
- Experiences with the world’s greatest pleasures
- Ability to influence and impact lives
- Financial stability and freedom
Do you see how a sick heart can cause sickness and death in each of these areas?
I can write so much more, but this is it for now. Stay tuned for more heart to heart on our hearts! We’ll discuss a combination of different elements that our hearts need to stay healthy.
Destined Initiatives:
Let’s pray for a pure heart that chases hard after God…
Jesus, you know the condition of my heart whether it’s pure or sick. You know where I stand in all areas of my life. My spiritual heart pumps some kind of blood substance to these areas of my life. Give me grace to stay close to you so that you can work on the issues of my heart. Purify the substance that fuels my life.
Let your love (not selfishness and lust) sustain my relationships.
Let good stewardship (not greed) guide me to financial freedom.
Let your wisdom (not deception) grant me influence. Help me to impact someone’s life and compel them to come to Christ.
My heart’s desire is to worship you sincerely and wholeheartedly. I receive your love and favor in my life. I want to see you manifested in this earth and I hope for the life that you’re preparing for me in eternity.
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