Everything that we go through has some type of an effect/influence on us whether we realize it or not. The way experiences affect us depends on what we carry on the inside of us. The Bible describes us as earthen vessels. Why the word choice “earthen”? because our physical outer shells are made of dust. We’re called vessels because our earthly flesh holds eternal things such as our souls, human spirits, and other spirits that have influence over us.
Earthen vessels sounds like a pretty fragile thing, right? Well, it is. This is why the effects of life has a way of either beating us up badly or beautifying us to be uniquely crafted.
We need something on the inside of us to help us make the most out of ALL of our experiences, whether they’re good or bad.
7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:7-9
The treasure that we’re to possess inside of us is the very presence, knowledge, power, and glory of God. These things are encapsulated in the Holy Spirit. If we have this, then we have everything we’ll ever need to make the most out of what we live through.
Obtaining all of these aspects of God, starts with filling ourselves up with His Word. In He Waters My Soul, I wrote about how hydrating in the Word pumps life (insight, guidance, and instruction) to gain:
- Loving and rewarding relationships
- Success and finding favor with God and men
- Ability to influence and impact lives (Anointing)
- Holistic Health
Hydrating in the word is one benefit of indulging in the Bible. The next benefit that I want to discuss is the purifying power of the Holy Word of God.
We can absorb all the goodness that there is in walking with Christ, but without the process of being cleansed, we’re not pure. Who wants to use a dirty glass to drink from? Do you think God would want to either?
Purity is so important because there is power in purity. Not just any power… The power of God is released when we walk in a life thoroughly and continually cleansed by the Word of God. The more we hydrate and avail ourselves to be purified, the more we reflect the nature of God. God’s Word is the only thing that will not fail; it will remain forever. When we align ourselves with Word, anything that we do in His name will prosper! When we’re vessels for His Holy Spirit and are led by him to do great feats, it won’t come back to the Originator without doing what it’s supposed to do!
Let me make this personal… God created us with all of our gifts and talents and He gives us dreams and visions for how to use the gifts He’s given us. When we align with Him and continually and intimately expose ourselves to His power packed Word, not only do we receive Godly creativity, but we also receive power so that nothing can stop us from achieving what He’s created us so wonderfully for.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6
Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Hebrews 10:22
Let’s take a look at what makes purity so powerful:
Purity makes us light and mobile
Purity brings the benefit of being lightweight which is ideal when traveling… God gives us wisdom and power to let go of the things that aren’t good for us. As vessels of God, it’s important that we’re purified from habits, conversation, people, and practices that take away our nobility, royal nature, and distinction from the rest of the world. Things that we think are harmless, can be spiritually detrimental for us. Our world is saturated with spiritual influences and they are either good or evil. Just because we don’t understand how something affects us, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question it. I don’t mean live in fear, but more so, be critical about what we surround ourselves with, so that our lives are a sweet smelling savor to God at all times. What goes into our spirits, will come out of us one way or another.
Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. Ezekiel 36:25
They will no longer defile themselves with their idols, or with their detestable things, or with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. And they will be My people, and I will be their God. Ezekiel 37:23
Purity keeps us full of the gift that keeps on giving
As vessels we’re always filled with something… So as we’re emptied of the ungodly, we should be intentional about cleaving to the things that are pertinent for our godly success. Believe it or not, there is more good in God that we can be influenced by than there is bad. Why would I say that? Well, because “Our God is bigger, Our God is greater, Our God is higher than any other”. But the truth that God’s effect on the world is unquestionably bigger, has more depth, and impact on the world has to be ingrained in our belief system. Once we have this truth, lies that God doesn’t care about us and that it’s more relevant to cave in to the ways and lifestyle ruled by our flesh, cease to exist.
So I want to testify that righteousness is heavier and does more damage than evil in this spiritual battle that we’re in… but there’s a good reason for the weight of his goodness… God made us relational beings, meaning that we are created to interact with other people regularly and He created us to not only obtain and hold things to our benefit, but as vessels we’re called to pour out just as much as we receive… So stay light! We shouldn’t try containing all of God’s goodness to the point of hoarding… We’ve got to let the dynamics of the glory of God working on the inside of us out!! We are called as witnesses to tell our testimonies. There aren’t secret interpretations of the Word of God, so we’re also called to share and teach the mysteries that God reveals to us during our time with Him.
The benefit of pouring out and making a difference in our world, makes us stand out. People looking for answers and meaning to life see the light in those that are pure and distinct from anything that they’ve ever been exposed to.
Purity removes the old and prepares for the new
Not only does purity remove sin and all the effects of sin, but it also keeps us moving forward. It helps us to progress through various seasons and levels of glory. We may be doing well at a place in our lives, but keeping an eye out for the time to transition is important, because we don’t want to be in a space that we’re growing out of. Staying close to God and being purified from complacency and stagnation, helps us have the ears to hear the signal and the eyes to see the vision for expanded horizons… We get the clue that it’s time to transition out of one place, into the next.
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 1 Peter 5:6
Destined Initiative:
Pray daily for God to cleanse and purify you from the inside out. Do a spiritual assessment of things that you partake in on a routine basis. What do you look to for comfort when you’re feeling afraid, or nervous? What do you turn to for security when you’re feeling insecure and vulnerable? When you feel exposed to danger, what do you run to for protection? Do you have a go to thing that you seek validation from? What about things that you indulge in for entertainment? When you’re feeling blocked and wanting to get inspiration or motivation, what do you run to so you can get amped up for creativity? These are the questions you should ask yourself when doing an inventory of your spiritual influences. Is there room to replace any of these things with God Himself?
Let’s pray
Jesus, you are more than enough and You are jealous of me… Reveal to me everything that I need to be purified of. Clean me and make me look like You because I want to be pleasing in Your sight.
Did this minister to you in any way? Would you care to share how in a comment below? Or do you know someone that you think would be blessed by this? If so, feel free to share!!