I get extremely uncomfortable when I notice that things aren’t moving and progressing forward within a given time. I’ll be honest, impatience is a constant battle for me, but I’m not talking about the need for patience here. I’m talking about the phenomenon of individuals, marriages, relationships, businesses, and even church organizations being stuck at the same level of development for weeks, months, and even years. A stagnate believer is an oxymoron and it doesn’t make sense!
If God made us so wonderfully, has all of this power, and has promised us so much, then why have so many of His people shrunken in stature and in demonstration of His power? Why are so many of us as busy as ants, but taking steps as small as those same ants towards growth, development, maturity, and lasting transformation? Is there something wrong with the Christian faith or with us?
Don’t get me wrong… I understand that change can be difficult to initiate and sustain until you get a total turnaround, but there aren’t any excuses for prolonged stagnation. As long as we have a solid commitment with God and access to His wisdom to devise a plan, then RESULTS should follow!
On the other hand, if there’s utter chaos, confusion, and complacency with the way things currently are, then something is seriously wrong.
Operating in business as usual shouldn’t be an option under these conditions. The issues amongst the Christian community should be escalated into crisis mode because the world is out there dying and it’s up to the Body of Christ to reach someone with real answers. So we need to get it together amongst ourselves!
If you’re personally stuck and/or in a stagnant environment, then all red flags should go up and we should start asking ourselves those tough questions:
What in the world is going on here?
Why aren’t we growing?
Shouldn’t we be challenging ourselves more as individuals, married couples, family units, and as the organized Body to pursue more of the territory that the enemy thinks he’s in control over?
These negative patterns in various facets of our lives are constantly reoccurring, how can we get to the bottom of this?
Why are we still dealing with the same issues we’ve had from years ago?
Shouldn’t we be able to put our heads together to solve the common problems that we’ve been facing for years?
Why are we so vulnerable and weak, shouldn’t we have graduated from the milk of the Word to meat by now?
Many of you are stuck in the same place because you’ve grown spiritually stagnant. You’ve trailed off from quality time with God where you can hear from God. Instead, you’ve settled for the emotional power hour on Sundays. The light in your candle stick has died down because you allowed the storms in your life to well up and blow it out. The oil in your lamp wasn’t refilled because you focused on the wrong things and you neglected the right things. If this is what’s happening with us individually, then it’s happening to us collectively.
So I’ll leave this blog post at this. If you’ve been stuck for some time now…
Your strength, strategy, and breakthrough are all waiting for you on the other side of consistent and intimate time with Him. There is no excuse for you to let another day go by without spending some quality time in Him.
Spell out everything that you’re feeling. Give Him the details of the things that has you feeling stuck and stagnant. He’ll probably respond quietly and say something along the lines of:
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. 2 Corinthians 12:9