Take ALL that God destined for your lifestyle, relationships and business with BALANCE!
Avoid BURNOUT and experience fulfillment as you BUILD overtime!
One of the biggest challenges of ambitious women who love God is BALANCE!
We love God, so many of us think that we’re supposed to love others harder than we love ourselves.
We believe that we’re always supposed to give until it hurts and trust that God will honor us for your PUSH for love’s sake.
We often believe that we’re supposed to prove that we have what it takes to be everyone’s shero at the expense of our own health, sanity, dreams, and desires.
But what if I told you that God doesn’t expect us to stretch ourselves beyond recognition to experience success in our relationships, ministries, and in the marketplace?
What if I told you that the moment you feel like you can’t go on is also the moment that you need to rest, regroup, love on yourself, and rethink the way you’re serving so that you can work smarter and not harder?

I’m trying to tell you that there’s a way that’s not necessarily easier althogether, but it’s more effective to become the best version of yourself if you desire to build the lifestyle and business of your dreams.
This way that I’m talking about is beefing up your self-image, your belief about HOW God destined you to build, and trusting Him to bring abundance in your life as you do!
If you feel burnout, unproductive, and overwhelmed, take that as a sign that you’re doing too much, need to get help, or have opportunities to work smarter not harder!
Here’s three things you can do IMMEDIATELY:
- Take 1-3 hours to yourself over the next few days and weeks and journal about everything you’re experiencing to get the madness from out of your head on to paper so that you can begin to sort them out and make sense of all you’re feeling. Do this when you have NO distractions. I’m telling you… FORCE this time for yourself.
- Next highlight 1-3 the things that pop out to you as priorities to address immediately.
- Write out a quick plan of action to address them. If you don’t know where to start, ask yourself, who can you reach out to so that you can talk through them and shed more light on underlying issues? Are there books, podcasts, and other resources free or paid that you can tap into to get the ball rolling? Are there roles and responsibilities that you need to drop or pause on?
- Next give yourself a timeline AND SCHEDULE on your calendar when you will talk to someone, book appointments, get resources, or anything you need to do yourself.
- Keep doing this exercise as often as possible to make continuous progress and build momentum!
This message here is the essence of what we discuss in the Shift into Success Sisterhood during our weekly Empowerment Sessions.
The SIS Sisterhood is a safe space for women who love God and desire to build a purpose-driven business that respects the fact that we are ROYALTY, okaaay!!! We don’t work like slaves! We build like we have our Father and the Holy Hosts of Angels backing up our build!
In the SIS Sisterhood, we approach success from a holistic point of view.
I’ll be looking for you inside the doors of the Sisterhood!
You have a tribe that’s waiting to welcome you in!
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