Ask yourself if you can confess with sincerity of heart, “Jesus, You’re the air I breathe?” Or do you have certain supplements that you run toward to fill voids that you haven’t allowed Jesus to fill?
Can you get beyond the point of praising God for the amazing things He’s done for you and into an experience of intimate worship? …Where it’s all about surrendering yourself to Him as a living sacrifice?
Are your worship encounters restricted to Sundays when you’re at church, or do you engage in intimate connection with God consistently throughout the week when no one’s around?
Your response to these questions should give you an idea of how well you’re progressing to your destiny in God.
A healthy spiritual heart is what paves the way to realizing our full potential. Just like our natural hearts are dependent on intimate and consistent breathes, a spiritually healthy heart is dependent on consistent and intimate worship encounters with our Creator.
Think of worship encounters as the air we breathe…
When we worship God, we enter into that process of breathing spiritually… But breathing serves a specific purpose as something has to take place within each breathe. When we breathe in air our blood absorbs oxygen. When we enter into worshiping God we’re absorbing his nature, the fruits of the spirit.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”. Galatians 5:22-23
Just as carbon dioxide is removed from our bodies by breathing air out, worship is also the context where God can purges us of all the impurities in our hearts so that we can become more like Him.
Consistent worship is necessary for our health to be sustained over the long haul.
Worship should become a natural process for us…
Naturally speaking, we don’t have to tell our bodies to breathe. It just happens consistently and without us thinking about it. Spiritually, our hearts should be chasing so hard after God, that worship becomes our lifestyle, and not restricted to religious acts. It should become second nature to seek him for daily bread and the cleansing that we need to thrive in this life.
Worship is the introduction to living life on purpose because it initiates the intimate connection to God that we need. It’s engaging and invigorating, but there are other things that should happen in a worship setting.
The blood carries the oxygen to different parts of our bodies and oxygen converts the nutrients that we consume into the energy we need to live. When we worship, God gives us wisdom and power to guide us to our potential in each of the following areas:
- Loving and rewarding relationships
- Success and finding favor with God and men
- Ability to influence and impact lives (Anointing)
- Financial stability and freedom
- Holistic health
I like to call these propellers because they propel us into God’s best for our lives. Each of these propellers should be consistently addressed in our intimate times with God to be obtained and maintained.
Why is consistency and intimacy both necessary?
Our hearts were designed to chase life in all of these areas. That’s why our hearts beat constantly. If our heart stops, life stops. As long as the heart is beating it’s chasing after some form of belief system. Since it’s always pumping, we’re in constant need of fresh and pure air; otherwise, it’ll pump whatever pollution we’re exposed to. This means that we’re worshiping something either directly or indirectly. In other words, when we don’t actively chase God and His Truth, then we’re actively and ignorantly chasing an idol (anything that doesn’t align with God’s standard of life). We know how things generally work: ignorance won’t pardon us from the inevitable consequences of an unhealthy spiritual life.”
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life”. John 14:6 NIV
“ God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”. John 4:24 NKJV
Worship is not just the outward expressions we engage in on Sundays for corporate fellowship. Worship starts in our hearts. It begins with a commitment to make Jesus Christ the Lord of our hearts.
True worship happens in Spirit and in Truth
This means that worship is not what we say or force ourselves to do.
“In Spirit” worship is freely and willingly denying ourselves and living for God. No one can force us to worship God, it has to come from our hearts and it’s powered by the Spirit of God that lives in us once we’re baptized in the Spirit.
“In Truth” worship is worshiping God the way He wants to be worshiped which involves 100% of our beings. Our hearts, our thoughts, our behaviors… Everything has to continuously stretch to align with the truths of Jesus Christ. Since God is life, worshiping anything else other than God brings spiritual death. This is why we have a lot of people that exist but aren’t really living!
Destined Initiatives
We need consistent and intimate worship because it’s our point of contact to heaven. These regularly scheduled meetings expose us to everything we need from God to make real life possible. Just like a couple in love doesn’t stop at the engagement, our worship is only the entrance door to the abundant life that Jesus promised us.
A marriage should follow. Are you ready for this kind of life? Have you made a commitment, but haven’t been faithfully and consistently doing your part?
Let’s pray.
Jesus, I want to do my part and fulfill the purpose that you have for me. I give myself away to You. In this moment I renew my commitment to You. I want to show You that I mean business! I’ll strive to frequently avail myself in Your throne room, so that You can do as you please. I’m a living sacrifice. Make me holy and acceptable unto You. My heart is fixed on You… All I want is You… Whether I’m on a mountain top high and in the deep valley low, I’ll love You and serve You. I treasure You above anything else. I live to see You face to face in eternity.
Now, let’s get excited about this new life we have in Christ. Each day is another day to breathe. Make those exchanges with God and get one step closer to becoming the “you” that he destined for you to be!!
How do you organize your life to ensure you’re connecting with God intimately and consistently? Do you have a set time and place for prayer? Do you have a prayer journal? Please comment below what you do to keep this fresh with the Lover of your soul!
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