I’ve been digging in and savoring all the goodness of Proverbs today!
Ever since I developed an appetite for the Word of God, I’ve always had a special love for what the book of Proverbs imparts in my spirit.
Today, I meditated and studied chapter 9 which personifies wisdom as a lady, a queen. And she has an invitation to the feast of a lifetime (verses 1,2).
She built a house and set up beautiful pillars to beautify it.
What’s on the menu? Prepared roasted lamb and specially mixed wine all perfect for a huge feast.
She decorated the tables with fine décor and furnishings.
OMG! This feast sounds so amazing and I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world!
This means that if we truly know God and respect Him for who He is, then we would’ve accepted Lady Wisdom’s invitation to dine at her table.
What do you believe it means to accept the invitation to dine with Lady Wisdom?
Well, The Word of God embodies His wisdom and to accept Wisdom’s call means to make the Word our prime choice of life, comfort, and direction.
God would be highly offended if we turned down the invitation and decided to dine somewhere else. The offense would be from God knowing how much thought, love, and life was prepared for us. Everything was set up so beautifully at that table, but for us to not count it worthy of our time, our presence, and our attention.
The world is full of many distractions that fight for our time, talent, and treasures. But to accept the invitation means to wean our appetites from the distractions that only draw us away from God. Accepting the invitation is to develop a healthy appetite for His Word and His presence.
Can I challenge you to sacrifice one thing that you’d normally spend time on to read through Proverbs 8 and 9 over the next week? I don’t mean knock it out as fast as you can, but slow down enough to meditate on it, takes notes, and pray for ways to apply what you absorb from the passages and then share with me the life, the nuggets of wisdom that you find to live by for the rest of your life.
Let’s grow deeper together.