One of things that annoys me most is when people know that they can push buttons and they take the liberty to do so, when they want to get on my nerves and ruin my day. How dare they?!
What annoys me more though, is every time, my reaction is the same. My day is ruined and I’m highly upset that they’ve pushed that old button yet again! UGH!!!!
I’ve realized that words can bother you depending on who’s speaking them. Like, if you least expect your mother to tell you that you look like a monkey, that’s terribly hurtful. But, if your husband or brother always calls you fatty and it eats away at you every time, then honey… this fault is on you now. It’s like how can you give them power over your emotions like that? Can they simply push a button and you fall to pieces every time. Why can someone’s predicable ways cause you to explode anew every… single… time…?! GRRRRR!!!!
While people can be ridiculously annoying, that’s just them. You can’t change people, but you can change your reaction which takes away the power they have to affect your emotions. So let’s focus on things we can actually change.
If a person is known to push the same buttons, then why do you throw a fit as if you wouldn’t expect them to treat you that way? I believe that there may be something in you that triggers an alarm. It’s an internal issue that you possess.
Come on… be honest with yourself… The truth is that sometimes those words are so abrasive because it’s pointing to a real weakness or insecurity that you have. You may be denying that truth or wishing no one else could notice that thing about you. Of course, it’s always rude for people to call you names or verbally abuse you, but let that annoyance turn you around and work out for your good. Use it to sound the alarm and respond by confronting yourself and addressing yourself to become stronger.
When the infection is gone, that area isn’t sore anymore.
Destined Initiatives:
Overcome all insecurities. Be honest about your weaknesses. Face your real self and deal with you. I know it’s hard to face hard facts and realities about yourself, but start now so that you can move on to greater feats. If you’re insecure, it can hinder you from reaching your destiny. (Read more on what destiny is all about: 5 Myths About Destiny). You’ll be a much better person when you overcome these things. You’ll be more confident, you’ll take more authority over yourself, you’ll challenge yourself to greatness.

And when you overcome insecurities, can’t nobody tell you nothing! (I know, but it’s intentional use of bad English to demonstrate my attitude. Shaking my head, rolling my eyes, and rolling my neck with my hands on my hips
You can do this. Find the deep rooted reason you feel so insecure by praying and asking God to reveal to you why you’re so vulnerable. Ask Him to make you whole. Ask Him to be your strength.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes”. Ephesians 6:10,11
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”. Philippians 4:6