But are You Emotionally & Spiritually
Healthy Enough to Deal With It?
Life. Is. Going. To. Happen!! As it does, it’s important to ask ourselves whether we are emotionally and spiritually healthy enough to deal with the issues that we face in our lives.
Emotional and spiritual health go hand in hand.
I know I’ve been dealing with some pretty sad topics on DI lately.
It’s not that I’m a Debbie Downer, but I realize that we have to be proactive in our up and up seasons to prepare for the inevitable, because let’s be real…
It can be really, really rough.
And when life hits, you may find yourself overwhelmed, feeling crazy in your mind, confused with a million questions for God.
Circumstances can make you feel utterly miserable, powerless, and hopeless!
But when we prepare for the storms ahead of time, we can stay ahead of the game and come out victorious!
In all truth, they’re meant to empower us. Hardships give us a powerful story that not only empowers us, but empowers others as we endure the rains and the catastrophic disasters.
This week, I want to pose the question for you, “Are you emotionally and spiritually healthy enough to weather the storm?”
Sometimes it takes a battle to arise for us to take notice that we’ve got to put in work. But at all costs, I want to encourage you to prepare ahead of time as much as possible.
Because, Life. Ain’t. No. Joke. To be playing around with. You don’t want to be caught slipping. It’s really a matter of life and death.
Check out my new video, “Life Happens. As it does, are you emotionally and spiritually healthy enough to deal with it?”
I love you dearly!