How to Manage the Cycles of Highs and Lows

I launched Destined Initiatives 5 months ago. Since then I’ve had a mixture of feelings ranging from as high as the mountain top to descending down deep to the valley low. It’s been an enriching experience to say the least, but let me be honest, the ride has had its share of bumps and potholes! I want to discuss what I’ve observed from it all and hopefully you can leverage this insight into your own pursuits! So let’s dive into how to manage the cycles of highs and lows in walking out your purpose… But first let me share some points from my own highs and lows.

I’ll start with the high notes (low notes will follow)…

The fact that I’ve started something and have gotten to the point where I am is a miracle in itself considering my background of disorganization, fragmented focus, lack of discipline, and my tendency to start things, but not finish them. DestinedInitiatives.Com has come a long way and I’m elated for starting something that I absolutely love and am passionate about! But let me shrink back to give God all glory for loving me to this point! I’m grateful for Him entrusting me to encourage people spiritually.

Destined Initiatives is my personal miracle and it’s steadily growing in the spiritual realm and has its appointment of scheduled deliverables for all eyes to behold. I have a vision that is materializing into a plan day by day!

I’ve stepped back from writing weekly blogs to focus on a major project…

And it’s knocking my own socks off because anything that I release to the public, I first have to master and live out in my own walk. That’s what God requires from the vessels he uses, right? Folks have to practice what they preach! In the process of completing this project, I’m realizing that I’m a project! Lol! I’m being stretched out and I find myself praying over EVERYTHING associated with me because it’s all telling a story about me, integrated together to define my past, present, and future. I guess you could call it personal branding, but I’d like to call it perfecting the fruit that I produce.

I’ve had the pleasure and accountability to develop the gifts that God has given me.

Gifts of writing, educating, inspiring have been naturally inbuilt in me by God, my Creator. I get confidence in knowing that I’m operating in my very own custom made mold. My posts give me the chance to perfect my gifts as I write my heart out. And if you haven’t noticed yet, Jesus is the center of my heart. So through DI, I’ve written myself into the presence of God. I feel his anointing spilling over on the pages I write. I’m always humbled by how he blesses me throughout my writing experience. And then it turns around to help someone else! It’s so amazing how gifts from God are truly gifts that keep on giving!

I have become a more beautiful person.

The pictures of myself that I share with my writings aren’t in the spirit of big head. But get this… I’m not trying to show off how beautiful I think I am… I’m showing off how beautiful I know I am and progressively becoming because I know who made me. And I know where I’ve come from… I used to try covering up the wreck on the inside of me (which included low self-esteem) with my outer appearance, but now I let the glory of God glow from my spirit, soul, and body. It all works to glorify the King of Beauty and Splendor…

My father-in-law says it best, God gives gifts of beauty to attract and compel people to Christ. Beauty defined here is both internal and external elements radiating in a person’s life. So I say with confidence from God that I have the esteem to strut what God has given me (with imperfections and all)!

Personal and Spiritual Fulfillment have never been so near and dear to my everyday life before Destined Initiatives.

Professional fulfillment from my career was what I knew best and it’s what I’ve held on to for most of my adult years. But in this season, I’ve been challenged professionally more than I have ever been. In all honesty, I’m grateful, but I’m not satisfied with where I am currently. It’s ok though because I believe it’s a season where God is doing something special in my life. It’s like He’s muted what I’ve formerly used to grasp meaning for my life, so that I can find that personal and spiritual fulfillment that I need to grow closer to Him and become a brighter light to those I minister to. I’ve found this new level of satisfaction in my journey as I’ve connected with different people from around the world, attended empowering conferences, been a popup vendor, and using creativity in creating new content in writing and photography. I am so blessed by ALL of this!!

Last high note, but most important…

I’ve gotten so much closer to God this year than I was before because I’m walking in another level of purpose, seeking him for clarity on vision and how to walk it out to manifestation. And seriously, I’ve become more intimately acquainted with God because I want him to be all in my kool-aid and in the mix of the content that I put out there. I’ve finally reached a level of intimate and consistent connection with God that I’ve sought after for years! Every day is not perfect, but I’ve grown tremendously and will continue to grow!

And now the not so high (aka low) notes…

The dreadful mental dialogue

During this time since the DI launch, I’ve went through so much mental dialogue asking myself where in the world is all of this going? Will it be just be another thing that I’ve hyped up that will soon wither away? Is it a vain imagination or a puffy cloud full of hot air? Is it a glorified quackery, laced with pretty selfies and shiny pictures, but empty of lasting substance and truth? Will it really persevere through the test of time, spiritual and internal attacks?

I won’t forget to mention the spiritual warfare I’ve went through. I’ve been attacked on multiple angles and to the point of losing many nights of sleep, tormented, but turning to the word to be comforted. This is what inspired “Woke to the War” & “Out of the line of Fire”.

Truthfully, I’ve went through several cycles of highs and lows. What looks well put together on the outside doesn’t depict the struggle that takes place on the inside of me when I try to be consistent in showing up for DI, relevant to people’s everyday highs and lows, polished and professional, and original.

My social media friends and followers have given me lots of positive feedback…

For the posts I’ve shared, the products offered, and believe me it’s all so very appreciated and encouraging! But what happens behind the scenes in my everyday life, in my heart and mind, is what speaks most to me. More than the likes, the shares, and the kind words… It’s the everyday battles that I fight and WIN that validate the fact that Destined Initiatives is a miracle that blesses God first, me secondly, and last but certainly not least, the souls that are encouraged by the spirit behind DI.

I’ve started something that I HAVE to finish which is quite overwhelming, but I know that it’ll be broken down into bite size pieces so that every piece can be carried out. Just watch me!!


Destined Initiative:

Here’s what I’ve learned. I believe it will help you too:

The lows may come for a number of reasons…

  1. The enemy is retaliating against your victory… He just starts acting a clown through other people around you to make you believe that your progress is not real. Haters, naysayers, or people who just don’t understand where you’re headed may come out the woodwork to hunt you down. You’ve heard the saying, a new level, a new devil. That’s because the enemy wants to kill your joy, hopes, dreams, and passions. He wants to steal your devotion, your time, your attention. He wants to destroy the work that God has started in you.
  2. The voice of doubt in you… Your own mind can come against you to make you feel like you don’t deserve to win… Like you’re not worthy of the next victory because this one is just enough to settle and ambition is greed and dissatisfaction. You’re own mind can try to pull you into low self-esteem, defeat, and depression.
  3. You’re new to the next level… The new level you’re at makes you feel vulnerable because it’s new and you haven’t yet mastered it. I’ve written an entire post on this one…
  4. You need rest… You’ve emptied yourself out unto the point of depletion and now you need time to rest, cease from the busyness of serving, and sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary did to hear what he has for the next season, the next set of objections, a new level of planning, etc.


  1. Step back and identify the cycles of highs and lows. Reflect on your past experiences… Can you see how often your highs, successes, and victories are followed by lows filled with warfare, that negative mental self-dialogue, other challenges and tests.
  2. Become consciously aware when you’re on a high. Take note of the high like “Wow, I’m feeling pretty good! I must be on a high!”
  3. From the point of recognizing when you’re on a high, be aware that a low might soon follow (I’m not saying be paranoid and suspicious!)… We can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we’re prudently considering the seasons that we’re in, we can prepare, so that we’re not shocked when the lows come.
  4. During the highs, get amped up to finish this race by realizing ahead of time that lows are inevitable. Get prepared. Study the Word now, pray now, so that your lows don’t go lower into defeat, stagnation, and the death of your purpose.
Drop a comment on your observations from cycles of highs and lows… and share the love if this post blessed you!!