After the final push, my son was delivered. I remember the emotion that came over me as my son took his first breath and cried out with a loud voice. I just wanted to hold him… After the nurse cleaned him off a bit, she laid him on my chest and he began to root. Rooting means he instinctively searched for his source of comfort and milk. He found it, he ate, was comforted, and then satisfied. This milk would supply his first helping of nutrients as a new member of life outside of the womb.
He took a breath, cried, searched for his connection, then he ate, and was satisfied…
We’re going to take a closer look at this amazing birthing experience as a repetitive cycle that we go through as we’re birthed into the royal family of Jesus Christ and elevated (multiple times) from one level of glory to another! I mean how generous can God be to show us a proven way to navigate through promotion to achieve sustained growth and maturity.
I’m in awe of how God just revealed that thing because now we know that each level of glory comes with very scary feelings that may make us feel as if we don’t belong.
That first breath into that new space awakens us to a very cold feeling because we’ve come out of the warmth of our comfort zones (where we knew everything) into a place where we only know the basics (how to breathe, drink, and lay there). The size of this elevated space on the mountain toward destiny stirs up a loud cry for help that comes from the depths of our souls. We cry out because we’re faced with fears of being too small, insignificant, naked, and vulnerable. The whole experience makes us think hard about whether we have what it takes to survive and take dominion over our new realm of responsibility.
God is there the whole time…
This we know from past promotions, God is with us. We’ve established relationship with Him, so over time we’ve developed genuine trust and security in His word concerning our purpose. We’re here because He brought us here and we’re assured that He will not leave us cold and naked.
So we search for what we do know, we root, we seek out connection into His presence. We lay aside every distraction and we worship. We breathe in and out. We eat from His royal table. We taste and see that everything about Him is good. We gather key essentials that we need to prosper in this new season of life. We become familiar and get equipped with the appropriate weapons of warfare that aren’t carnal, but mighty in pulling down everything that’s not like our God. We rule and we reign with authority and confidence in Jesus Christ. We do the work and we do it well… And we wait until God says it’s time for the next move.
We grow and then we grow some more…
Like anything else we practice, we should become better, more experienced, more efficient, and effective in carrying out the will of God. If we’re truly following Jesus and maturing in our faith, we should eventually adopt that “Seasoned Saint” status. Our impact in the world should shed an increasingly intense light as time goes by. And I’m not talking about a light that only we can see within ourselves! Not only should the Body of Christ bear witness to the light in us, but those unsaved loved ones and even people who have never had a serious thought about Jesus should become curious and compelled to figure out why we’re shining so brightly! Of course we confidently sing in response “It’s the God in me!!” as we bounce our heads up and down, throw our hands up in the air, and dance like we just don’t care! Lol!
This BIG light of mine…
So… Change the words to the song, “this little light of mine” to “this BIG and fierce light of mine, I’m going to rock it like I own it and ain’t nobody gone stop me!”. We were born to make His praise glorious! We call Him God and He calls us His people because He can entrust His work to us to reflect His glory. Because He will not accept anything less.
Living things are either growing or dying…
After we’ve been baptized with water and Spirit, we go through various phases that grant everything about us added life and removes ungodly waste. We should find ourselves progressing into places that are uncertain to us all the time. A clear sign of stagnation is when you’ve been doing the same thing for extended times with no significant signs of growth, maturity, and expansion of influence as kings and queens in God’s kingdom.
The reality is that living things can’t be stagnant: they’re either growing or dying.
In any profession stagnation and complacency are noted by peers and leadership. Let’s be real… People are most respected when qualities of excellence, ambition, and growth are exhibited. This is what the masses flock to! Think about corporate leaders, music artists, sports stars… They’re not one hit wonders; they show consistency in their performance; they keep coming with something new and fresh that keeps capturing people’s attention; they give back! What makes us think that God would expect anything less from us? He’s trying to accomplish His amazing agenda. He wants fire balls, so get yourself together and go get that life!!
Destined Initiatives
What season are you in right now?
Is God calling you to intercede on behalf of your unsaved loved ones? Did you recently get called into leadership to encourage people in their walk with Christ. Or you may not be there yet… Maybe you aren’t aware that spiritual battles exist where giants of error and legalism are being slayed. Maybe it will never be your calling to war against poverty and murder in your community.
Maybe you’re in a season of cold, nakedness, and vulnerability initiated by the death of someone near and dear to your heart. Maybe you recently lost your job or discovered that someone you trusted betrayed you… You may be preparing for marriage or just launched a new business…
Or maybe this is the season to deal with you…
You may be dealing with personal demons such as sexual impurity, self-esteem issues, or you just have a love for the world more than you have an inclination to God.
Whatever the season, take the lesson from my son…
Cry out with a loud voice for help (literally), cry with everything you’ve got! Emotions, fears, insecurities, pride… everything, give it all to God. Dig into the Word of God. Invest in Christian books to educate yourself. Talk to someone you can be transparent with.
Go get your life and be satisfied with God and God alone…
Jesus you died so that I could become more like You. You lived this life with purpose and intention. Help me to do the same by the power of the Holy Spirit. I know I can do better than what I’m doing. I’m crying out to You for dear life! Help me Lord! I want to please you in my mind, body, and spirit. I want to be a contributing member in your Kingdom’s business. Thank you for hearing my cry and satisfying me like only You can. Amen.
Did this minister to you in any way? Would you care to share how in a comment below? Or do you know someone that you think would be blessed by this? If so, feel free to share!!