In “You are the Air I Breathe,” I wrote about how the air we breathe is equivalent to worship and how essential it is for our spiritual wellbeing. Right after oxygen, water is the most important substance for our personal health and for life in general. It is the substance that supports practically all of our bodily functions. Since water is so essential to our health, it is advised that we drink so much water per day. We should have water at our disposal at all times, not only for drinking, but also for hand washing and cleaning up our surroundings for protection.

We will be discussing how the Word of God is the spiritual equivalent to water and four basic benefits that the sacred Word provides in parallel to the benefits of water.
Uses of Water and the Word
Here are just a few of the basic benefits of water. All four of them have a parallel spiritual significance.
- Hydration
- Cleansing
- Protection
- Refreshment
In this post we’ll discuss hydration and the others we’ll go over in upcoming posts.
Hydration is the process of absorbing water.
“Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. For example, your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints”. https://familydoctor.org/hydration-why-its-so-important/
In “You are the Air I Breathe”, I mentioned that intimate and consistent worship during prayer softens our hearts and opens us up to God’s power and wisdom. Breathing in the Spirit is how we get God’s guidance to reach our potential in each of the following areas:
- Loving and rewarding relationships
- Success and finding favor with God and men
- Ability to influence and impact lives (Anointing)
- Holistic Health
I like to call these propellers because they propel us into God’s best for our lives. Each of these propellers should be consistently addressed in our intimate times with God to be obtained and maintained.
Worshipful interactions with God and the Word of God, just like the air we breathe and water, always have to be coupled because they work hand in hand. Both of these essentials work to bring life to our propellers.
Give God something to work with!
Again, the process of opening ourselves up to God during prayer is only the gateway to the meat of the experience of whole experience. Other things have to happen during our times of being exposed to the Spirit of God, but God needs some Word in our hearts to work with!
This is because we must worship God in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). The Bible is the Truth and nothing but the Truth. It has endless amounts of spiritual riches to keep us spiritually hydrated, so that all these propellers are in full effect.
Propellers in full effect!!
When prayer and God’s Word are thriving elements in our lives, we get the love and unity that we need in our relationships to get things done. Because we’re here to build the Kingdom, right?
When we harness the power of community that is characterized by love and unity, we experience success and find favor with God and men. And when we have the favor of men, we gain access to resources (provision for vision). What’s next? Results, holistic health, influence, and changed lives!
I’m so excited about what God is doing in us and through us! But first things, have to come first. We have to discipline ourselves to hydrate, absorb as much as the Word as possible, pray without ceasing, and have a lifestyle of worship.
How much water/Word should we consume?
Naturally, the amount of water to consume per day is dependent on each individual. Although we can get water from fruits, vegetables, and other drinks, the best way to stay hydrated is with water itself.
Spiritually, when we’re babies we need nutrient rich milk, the basics that keep us growing and going on the right path. The more spiritually mature we become, the more of the meaty Word we should absorb to be sustained and thrive in the realm of responsibility and influence that God promotes us to.
Ways to keep the water flowing
We can be exposed to the Word through preaching. The preached Word is absolutely necessary in our lives because, on a routine basis, we receive encouragement and correction with spoken word that comes straight from heaven by our spiritual shepherds. This is why finding a stable local ministry to attend is pertinent.
We can also be exposed to the Word through teaching and even through music, but the foundational source of our intake of the Word should be Every. Single. Day. during our intimate time with God.
The act of reading, studying, and meditating on the Word (once we’ve been baptized into the family of God) keeps us continually knowledgeable about who God is, His agenda, and what’s He currently doing for us in current seasons of our lives. The Bible is also filled with past examples of His chosen ones walking out in faith to fulfill their purpose. Everything, and I mean everything that we need to know comes from the Word.
Positioned for Greatness
Staying spiritually hydrated is hiding the Word in our hearts so that we are continually positioned for His greatness and equipped so that we won’t sin against Him. If we want to stay on fire for God and not grow luke warm, the Word should be consistently flowing through our systems. It keeps us aligned with God’s way. It purifies our thought lives and our motivations. It keeps us oiled up in God’s anointing so that we can fulfill our purpose and calling. This is basically how we are led by the Spirit of God, rather than our flesh.
Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. John 7:37 NIV
“And the Lord will continually guide you, And satisfy your soul in scorched and dry places, And give strength to your bones; And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. Isaiah 58:11 AMP
Destined Initiative:
Let’s challenge ourselves to hydrate in the Word of God first thing in the morning when we wake up. Throughout the day, meditate on what we’ve read, and in the evening reflect on the life application or revelation that we’ve received from the Word. The Word of God is literally our spiritual bread, so we shouldn’t starve ourselves! Just as we make sure we eat three meals per day, let’s be constantly eating and snacking on the Word. It’s so good and powerful!
For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 NIV
Let’s pray…
Lord Jesus, You are the living word. Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. The amazing thing is that we have the precious gift of it being ALL written out. Glory to your name God for this! I can carry the Bible with me where ever I go. It’s at my disposal. Let me not take that for granted, but give me grace to continually read and meditate on Your Word, so that I can be enlightened and empowered to do what You’ve created me to do. I love You so much, Jesus. I commit to hiding the Word in my heart so I can please You. This is what my heart’s desire is to do, to please You Abba. Amen.
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