
You know you need a change! You’re tortured by your lack of ability and confidence to make the necessary changes in your life that bring you lasting peace, happiness, and fulfillment!

We’re the Body of Christ, right?! Where are God’s promises of abundance? Was God mistaken of what’s possible for us in this day and age? NO! What’s missing then? The process of finding your rightful place in the Kingdom! What’s required to enter into the process of intentional evolution and self actualization to assume your position? 

#1 – Stop numbing the pain of complacency!

The intent of self-actualization (becoming your best self) is often birthed from the pain and frustration of misalignment to your God-given identity and purpose.

When you suffer spiritual depression because of complacency, it’s a slow burn that eventually creeps up on you and hunts you down to compel you to find the deeper meaning and significance for your life.

This leads you to the practice of self-discovery.

I experienced this awakened NEED FOR MORE in 2017 when I was working in corporate America, overly occupied with church as usual, and suffering from a codependent relationship.

#2 – Self discovery For God-fearing Christians this means seeking to be informed of who God meant for you to be and seeking out the shifts necessary to be realigned to your original identity.

I earnestly began to seek God for a way out of the life I ignorantly built for myself.

I felt so frustrated, powerless, lost, and confused about who I was. But God reminded me that I was called to so much more than the pursuits of success in corporate America. And then I realized that I needed to heal and develop myself for that MORE.

#3 – Digging deeper into… God’s why for your life which is equivalent to seeking God to know your purpose.

As I started moving forward in my journey of self discovery and blogging, God made it clear that I was commissed to help the Body of Christ develop authentic intimacy with God that went against the means of religion to “feel holy and righteous”. This place of intimacy would be the bed of self-discovery.

#4 – The shedding away from former identities that take up your spiritual and mental space and oppresses you from developing and becoming who God originally designed you to be.

As I started to rise in my own identity and executing on my purpose within my personal brand, my relationships and religious associations started shaking up and breaking apart because they weren’t built on firm foundations of God’s truth for me.

#5 – The separation and Initiation of your healing journey from the trauma of living life on other terms apart from God’s.

I needed to separate myself from the former things that kept me from evolving.

I left the ministry I was attending after realizing that it wasn’t a healthy environment for me to heal and evolve.

I divorced and moved forward from a marriage that didn’t have the capacity to honor me as a whole woman – heart, mind, and soul.

I started ambitiously building my personal brand-based ministry and business that would my my ticket to financial independence and freedom from my unfulfilling career.

And ultimately, I left my 15year career as a CPA to build my ministry based business full time.

Was it worth the blood of cutting away from what I knew was sustaining the false identity of me?


Was it worth the fear of uncertainty of shifting in the direction of my destiny?


Was it worth the tears of evacuating my warm comfort zone?


Now I’m on a mission to provide guidance, support, and accountability for others going through the exhilarating yet uncomfortable and sometimes painful process of evolving into the royal status God destined them to be.

There’s no turning back, now!

Are you ready to find your place?

Where are you in this process?

Do you have the community to help you carry out the whole thing through?

Sign Up Now

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